Sending Request
Request Method

All the request must be sent using the POST method.


Every request has to be authenticated using an API Key. Please check API Key on how to acquire one. In order for the request to be authenticated, the following must be added to your HTTP request header:

"Authorization": "API-KEY <YOUR-API-KEY>"
Replace <YOUR-API-KEY> with your API key.

Content Type

All requests send their parameters, if any, using the body of the POST HTTP request in JSON format. In addition, the responses are all in JSON format. So the following must also be added to the HTTP request header:

"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Accept": "application/json"

Sending Parameters

If the request has parameters, these parameters are added to the body of the HTTP request in JSON format as follows:

    "<PARAM_NAME_1>": <VALUE>,
    "<PARAM_NAME_2>": <VALUE>,

For example, in the Grant Cycles end-point, if we want to return only the open gran cycles, the body of the request should look like this:

    "is_open": true
Paged Requests

Some end-points are considered paged requests. That is, when you send the request, you need to specify the page whose result you want to return. See Receiving Response" to know more about the response of a paged request. If no page is given, the request returns only the first page of the results. To specify the page number, you need to add the parameter page_no to your request.

In addition to specifying the page number, you can also specify the number of results you want to return per page. If you don't specify, the default is 15 results per page. To specify the number of results per page, you need to add the parameter num_of_results_per_page to your request.